Our Approach

Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals, especially goal number three on Good Health and Well Being, and its related targets require universal access to affordable essential medicines. Global discourse has shown that health partnerships that create and build quality and skills of the workforce are building blocks of such a sustainable health system. Unfortunately, most countries face numerous challenges like education, skill-building, retention, and performance measurement in building the skills and capacity of the health workforce to deliver quality services.
Globally, investment in the health workforce is not enough. The chronic under-investment in education and training of health workers in some countries and the mismatch between education strategies in relation to health systems and population needs are resulting in continuous shortages.
Measuring Impact of Institutional and Individual Capacity Building
Empower has dedicated its efforts to building capacities of the human resource, both from an organization as well as an individual perspective. Our approach to capacity building is driven by a larger vision of promoting national resilience, leading to sustainable health outcomes, and achieving universal health coverage and sustainable development goals.
Services we offer
Empower believes that every investment in the professional development of Human Resources for Health leads to better health outcomes for the community and motivation for health care providers. Health systems can only function with health workers; improving health service coverage and realizing the right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is dependent on their availability, accessibility, acceptability, and quality. Read through our service approach and what we have to offer our clients, funders, and partners: