Skills Assessment Digital Platform
Skills assessment informs about the capacity building requirements of public health staff as well as provides a method to determine the effectiveness of capacity development initiatives conducted through projects. Results from the skills assessment are tracked and monitored over the period of the project for short-term and long-term results.
The assessment is designed as a self-administered questionnaire sought to gather information regarding personal details, educational qualifications, work experience, soft skills, professional orientation, and domain competency. The capacity development needs are expressed in terms of competencies in the technical and therapeutic areas. Further, the competencies can also be compared with global averages to provide additional insight.
The assessment captures more than 200 data points for every person signing up on the platform and is used for comparison with other health professionals across the world. Thousands of health professionals from more than 50 countries have signed up on this platform to date. The data collected is used anonymously for research and analysis purposes only. The platform is available in English and French.
Empower conducted a large-scale training needs assessment for the Philippines, Indonesia, and Pakistan as part of a study sponsored by UNAIDS Asia Pacific for public health professionals working in PSM. Empower adapted a PSM framework to assess understanding of various competencies through a series of self-assessment and technical questions. The framework was adapted from the People that Deliver (PtD) framework for supply chain competency mapping (“PtD Competency Compendium for Health Supply Chain Management: A reference for the health supply chain; First edition”).