The primary objective of Empower is to strengthen the organization (MOH, CSO, UN agencies) and individual capacities by assessing and strengthening organizational structures and systems, delivering leadership training, coaching, and mentoring. The goals of these training workshops are to assist participants in building learning organizations, meet the health targets of their countries and provide a guiding shared vision to improve people’s health and the course focuses on the three roles of transformational leaders.
Catalytic - Generating a shared vision of a healthy future that people want to create.
Enabling - Creating a work environment characterized by teamwork, trust, open-mindedness, transparency, and shared accountability for all outcomes.
Learning - Encouraging the development of action-learning organizations with the flexibility to change the vast resources of ordinary people to effectively and efficiently improve their health.
Some key training workshops on Leadership, Governance, and Change Management include:

International Workshop on Strategic Leadership in Global Health and Development 2018 (with Johns Hopkins University)

2nd International Workshop on Strategic Leadership and Management 2019 (President Kufuor + INSEAD)

Leadership and Management Training for UNFPA Mali (2019) and Togo (2020)

Leadership Training for West African Youth, with President Macky Sall (Galien Forum 2019 and 2020)
CEO Forum - Leveraging a Digital Platform for Empowering Public Health Supply Chain Leaders in partnership with INSEAD School of Business (HRG), and funded by Johnson & Johnson.

The major objective of this project is to engage, strengthen, and mobilize leaders of public health supply chain organizations by building a Community of Practice using a Digital Learning Platform. The project's focus is to build on the CEO’s technical expertise to strengthen skills in governance, leadership, and management.
To engage, strengthen and mobilize leaders of public health supply chain organizations by building a Community of Practice using a Digital Learning Platform.
Establishing a sustainable Community of Practice for current and future leaders of Central Medical Stores (CMS) across LMICs, with an additional focus on promoting women leadership. The initiative will engage, strengthen and mobilize key stakeholders to improve health outcomes.
Invite former CEO’s (as advisors, mentors), current CEOs, and up-coming leaders and create virtual and face-to-face discussion and engagement forums.
Catalyze interactions and opportunities for cross-learning, sharing knowledge and information between South-South – Asia/Africa regions, and creating partnerships that shape global, regional, and industry agendas.
Build on the CEO’s technical expertise to strengthen skills in governance, leadership, and management.
Shape future leaders and develop transcultural leaders with the ability to operate successfully in a constantly changing global marketplace.
Strengthen and increase the number of women leaders in the health supply chain.
Learn from the private sector, professional coaches and mentors, former heads of state, former and current heads of UN agencies.
Learn and develop – participate in self-assessments, webinars, annual conferences, and roundtables.
Collaborate with international and national initiatives with UN agencies, the private sector, and leading technical agencies for introducing innovations and optimizing the national supply chain strategy.