Population-based approaches have been the mainstay of research in the field of HIV/ AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria for decades. In an effort to provide direction to HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria research in the country and with the objective of contributing towards training future leaders, Empower executed various projects in the field of HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria including design, development, and deployment of e-learning content; designing of IEC/ BCC materials and videos; digitization of content; designing and implementation of e-learning platforms; leadership training and digital competency assessment and others.
Some of the key marquee projects include:
Development of virtual IEC materials for COVID-19 pandemic, SRH, and HIV for HRGs and frontline workers under project Sampoorna in Gujarat, India HIV/AIDS Alliance, supported by UNFPA.
Project Background
Sampoorna project is working in nine districts in Gujarat and will be responding to the immediate needs of the COVID-19 pandemic. Alliance India in collaboration with UNFPA and GSNP+ is developing virtual IEC materials in form of GIFs, animated videos on COVID-19 pandemic, SRHR, and HIV/AIDS to provide more information about SRH and HIV.
Our Approach
Empower designed virtual IEC material for HIV Alliance in form of GIFs and animated videos for 6 priority districts of Gujarat. The IEC materials prepared were targeted for the High-Risk Groups (HRGs), People Living with HIV (PLHIVs) including Adolescents living with HIV, Pregnant Women and Children Living with HIV, Transgenders, and Community workers like ANMs, ASHAs, HIV counselors, etc.
The content is developed in English which is further translated to Hindi and Gujarati to make it impactful and engaging.
Development and digitization of technical content for the training of National TB Elimination Program and healthcare personnel, The UNION and FIND Diagnostics (funded by USAID)
Project Background
The Union (International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease) and FIND Diagnostics required to transform technical PMDT related contents (Policies, Guidelines, Standard Operating Procedures for Central TB Division of the Government of India) into high-quality e-learning course materials.
Our Approach
Empower worked closely with the core group consisting of representatives from CTD, the Union, and the NDTB center to review the existing technical content and develop complete courses for identified health cadres.
Empower developed 40 hours of cadre-wise e-learning training material in the form of texts, graphics, audio, video case studies, quizzes, animation, etc. using its blended learning and training approach to engage learners, promote interest, and support knowledge. The e–training modules are developed in English with the ability to be translated to Hindi and other local regional languages. The layout of the content and design is both desktop and mobile-friendly and the entire content is uploaded on WHO Country Office (WCO)- India’s e-Learning platform ‘Swasth-e-Gurukul.’
Development of job aids and communication material to disseminate latest PMDT guidelines, funded by The Union (funded by Johnson & Johnson)
Project Background
The Union (International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease) along with Central TB Division required to develop job aids and communication material (including flyers, posters, presentation, videos, etc.) related to DR-TB management and PMDT in English and other regional languages.
Our Approach
Empower developed job aids and communication materials including posters, infographic flyers, flipbook related to DR-TB treatment, management, and burden; flyers, presentation deck, videos, and scientific literature (SOPs, guidelines, etc.) related to PMDT.
The job aids and communication material were translated into regional languages like English, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Tamil, Kannada, Marathi, Malayalam, Odiya, Punjabi, and other regional languages.
These materials are targeted at medical officers, private providers, PMDT coordinators, Auxiliary Nurse-Midwife, Anganwadi Worker, ASHAs, DRTB HIV coordinators, and patients.