Dr. Florence Duperval Guillaume
Dr. Florence Duperval Guillaume graduated in May 2020 with distinction in the Post Graduate Diploma in Global Health Procurement and Supply Chain and continues to work with Empower as a Country Director. As the former Minister of Health of Haiti (2011 - 2016), Florence Duperval-Guillaume has witnessed the many successes and failures of both public and global health throughout her career. Her involvement in and management of a variety of public health programs and projects brought to her attention how critical the pharmaceutical supply chain is in impacting their success. Florence says she found all the modules in the Empower PGDM course very useful, helping her to better organize her previous knowledge in SCM. She learned the most from Inventory, Leadership and Pharmacovigilance.

Juvenal Majoro
Juvenal graduated in May 2020 with distinction in the Post Graduate Diploma in Global Health Procurement and Supply Chain, and currently works as a Senior Health Systems Strengthening Advisor with USAID Global Health Supply Chain-Procurement and Supply Management Project in Rwanda. Thinking back to his PGD course with Empower, Juvenal believes the supply chain leadership module was the most useful, as it relates to his current responsibilities of providing technical assistance to MOH counterparts in order to support health system strengthening interventions. Juvenal’s passion for public health supply chain management shines through when you hear him talk about his journey.

Hysantine Arrey Arah
Hysantine graduated in May 2020 with distinction in the Post Graduate Diploma in Global Health Procurement and Supply Chain, and currently works for The Republic of Cameroon’s Ministry of Public Health. 'Promoting health and wellbeing for all’ has always been her passion, says Hysantine Arrey, when asked about her motivation to work in the supply chain management. "When I just started working, I noticed health commodities were found at the central/regional stores but stockouts were registered at the last mile. So, I decided to contribute to saving lives by ensuring an uninterrupted supply of essential medicines and health products." Her continued goal is to improve health outcomes and build greater trust in health systems.